POL Online Central Management Systems

POL Online Central Management Systems

A web-based system management platform that enables management of all gas stations centrally,without any limitations in terms of the number of gas stations, users, number of customers/vehicles, etc. a platform with functions far beyond merely transmitting data to the center.




System Basics

The system is designed as a web-based system to provide full support for mobilization. There are no limitations in terms of the number of users, gas stations, tankers, customers and vehicles. It can be installed at customer’s center, and it can also be offered to users for individual use of gas stations.

It allows setting basic system parameters such as gas stations, tankers, users, product types, prices, customers, vehicles, loyalty parameters, as well as limits and restrictions.

This function allows reporting of all vehicle identification, customer identification, loyalty purchases, and their details managed centrally.

This function allows reporting of pump sales, vehicles, types of sales transactions, defined customers, connection statuses, details on communication with the center, and reconciliations.

Sales amounts of products sold at gas stations are reported analytically by their prices, types, details of the gas station, region, etc.

Inventories of the fuel tanks in gas stations, filling operation, tank alarms, leakages, etc. are reported on gas station, region, zone bases.

Communication, data transmission, data reconciliations, pump and tank problems relating to the technical infrastructure of the system are reported.

Generates management reports by carrying out cross analyses such as deviations from inputs and outputs to and from gas stations, comparison of filling operations carried out at the centers and gas stations.

Both the central system software and the gas station and tanker software can be automatically updated remotely. Thus, systems can automatically update themselves after development of additional features expected by customers from the system.

In all vehicle identification and loyalty programs, the customer, vehicle, card, limitation, restriction and balance data are retained at the center, and authorization is obtained from the center by means of two-way communication between the gas station automation system and the central management system. Thus, the respective sales transactions are managed centrally by the system automatically.

The entire center software is designed as a web-based application. This allows users to connect the system from anywhere in the world.

Many different model users are defined in the system, and each user can be individually authorized for using specific functions such as viewing, data entry, deleting, reporting, etc. within the system.

There is no limitation on station, user, vehicle, card numbers. It is enough to choose server hardware properly according to numbers.

Generates reports and data for issuing invoices by calculating the parameters such as discounts, commissions, points, etc. relating to the amount to be invoiced to customers and gas stations at the end of the sales models such as vehicle identification and loyalty.

System Components

Petech® Online Central Management Software

Software Specifications: • The system is web based. In this sense, it is possible to access from anywhere and users do not need to install separate s...

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