While carrying out the activities of Design, Development, Software, Automation, Manufacturing, Installation, Infrastructure and Construction, and Providing Maintenance and After-Sales Services of Fuel Supply and Storage Facilities, Gas Stations, Tank-Pump, Highway, Railway, Sea Vehicles, Vehicle Recognition, Satellite Tracking, Mobile Tracking, Navigation, Communication, Electric-Electronic Systems and Related Solutions,
• To continuously train our employees and to continuously improve our processes,
• To design products that meet the expectations of the sector by following the latest technologies and standards in the world,
• To produce innovative products / solutions by following the latest technologies and standards in the world,
• To develop products that meet the needs and expectations of our customers by using advanced technology in fuel automation systems,
• To ensure the continuity and development of the Quality, OHS and Environmental Management System by working planned and disciplined with the participation of all employees,
• To continuously improve our policy in line with current, global conditions and expectations, to provide an environment where new ideas, suggestions and criticisms are encouraged,
• To establish a preventive culture by systematically evaluating possible hazardous situations and behaviors within the scope of all our activities,
• Determining environmental dimensions, determining the types and harms of environmental impacts and updating them continuously,
• To take the necessary precautions to evaluate our recyclable wastes, to reduce the use of limited natural resources, to prevent pollution due to environmentally hazardous wastes, not to adversely affect living life, and not to pollute the environment,
• To comply with the laws and regulations that we are responsible for, due to our activities,
• To fulfill the applicable conditions,
Constitutes our policy.