End of Life (EOL) Products

We strive to provide the best service and product to our customers throughout the life cycle of the products we produce. However, due to developing and changing technologies, market conditions, difficulties in the supply of production components, the introduction of a more functional product to the market, there are situations where some products no longer meet the market conditions. Therefore, it may become necessary to periodically discontinue the production and distribution of such products. You can access our end-of-life products - EOL (End Of Life) products- from the list below. In addition, the date on which the implementation, development and update support of these products and service/maintenance support for living devices will end is also included in the EOL list below.
The EOL product list has been prepared to help our customers manage end-of-life transitions and to facilitate the transition to alternative Asis Automation products and solutions. Please note that Asis Automation may update the list below at its sole discretion.

Product End Of Production End Of Software Update End of Service and Maintenance Replacement Product
 ATB (Vehicle Tracking Unit)  01.01.2008 01.01.2015 01.01.2022 NVU
Multiport 01.01.2015 01.01.2018  01.01.2022 Lanport V2
Rf TAG 01.01.2010 01.01.2020  01.01.2022 Cyber TTS 
Eco2Max 01.01.2015 01.01.2022  01.01.2023  -
AMR - Model No K/B 01.01.2010 01.01.2015 01.01.2023  Orbit St 
AMR - Model Positive/Orbit 01.01.2010 01.01.2015  01.07.2024  Orbit St 
AWS 01.01.2015 01.01.2022  01.01.2023  -
AMR - Model Cobra 01.10.2021 01.01.2022 01.07.2024 Orbit St 
AMR - Model Tetra 01.12.2020 01.01.2022  01.07.2023  Orbit St 
Probex V1 01.01.2008 01.01.2010  01.01.2023  ASİS Exd Probex
ASİS Digital Probe - V1 01.01.2008 01.01.2010 01.01.2023  ASİS Digital Probe - V4Exd
Probex V2 01.01.2010 01.01.2018 01.01.2023 ASİS Exd Probex
ASİS Digital Probe - V2 01.01.2010 01.01.2020 01.01.2023  ASİS Digital Probe - V4Exd
ASİS Digital Probe - V3x 01.07.2013 01.01.2020 01.07.2024  ASİS Digital Probe - V4Exia
Probex V3 (Exia Zener Barrier) 01.07.2013 01.07.2020  01.07.2024 ProbeX
ASİS Digital Probe - V4 01.07.2013 01.07.2020  01.07.2024  ASİS Digital Probe - V4Exia



EOL List Update Date: 19.07.2023

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